Ryan Adams & The Cardinals (March 12th - 20th) ***Tour Blog***

Welcome to Sweet Illusions!
For the next 10 days, I will be using this blogspot as a webspace to document my travels through the South (South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, & Georgia) as The Cardinals finish out what could be their last tour ever.
Check back regularly for setlists, tour updates, general commentary, bar stories, and other tales from the road...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"A New Look"

Hard to believe that it's been 2 weeks since the epic, historical show at The Fox. Now that we're not glued to the archive site awaiting setlist updates, trading stories and predictions, and coming to grips with the reality of an indefinite hiatus (retirement), it definitely is a shitty pill to swallow; I wish, like I'm sure all of you do too, that the Cardinal train was still speeding like a fireball down the railroad tracks.

So here's a little something to wet your whistles and remind us of all of the awesomeness that occurred not even a month ago. I played with a couple of photos that I liked specifically of Ryan and decided to post 'em on the blog. Keepin' it alive!!! (or at least trying to)

One love.


You dig? Maybe more to come?